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Showing posts from August, 2019

Answering The Question 'What Do You Do For Work?'

How hard is it to answer the question 'what do you do for work?' when someone asks you? It's hard for us aspies to find or hold down a job. People already see those who don't work as 'lazy.' The truth is we want to work, but employers don't want us. Some of us can't pass the interview stage. Some of us get overloaded and quit. Some of us are fired due to or differences. Some of us are bullied off of the job by the NT co-workers. Remember 80% of us are unemployed. Only a small % of us work. It's rough being in a work that's black and white.  I mean when someone asks you about your occupation, what do you tell them? You're unemployed because of autism, you can't hold down a job? Do you lie in fear you will be judged and shamed? I told a 'friend' I could not work due to my disorders, my old doc even felt I would struggle to hold down work. She acted like she knew about me, judged me. She just assumed I have 'poor' ski...

An Open Letter To A Person I Admire

This is an open letter to a person I admire. I will have small subliminal hints since I get ridiculed for admiring someone.  I'm usually quiet about who I admire and out myself. Is this normal? Please excuse me, I am socially anxious. I am moving this from a different blog. I used to have 2 but 2 blogs is way too many. Is it normal to write a cryptic letter to a celebrity? I don't know how to go about things. I am not good a verbally expressing myself sometimes.  I really don't know how to start this letter/blog. It was easier for me to write this letter on my blog.  This is me saying in a subliminal way how Undertale gave me the things I rarely/never had. I felt as though my 9th-10th grade year of high school was rough and my 6th-grade year of Jr. High was rough.  I've struggled to make friends due to my autism/ADHD when I was in jr. high/high school. ( Sorry don't mean to get too personal here. I know I am a weirdo stranger on the intern...

Neurotypicals, Stop Holding Us On Your Standards

The worst part about being in a world for Nts is having to be held on their standards. It's so hard being in a world where you have to function in a difficult setting. I wish Nts can have some compassion for us. For instance, we struggle with jobs. Things overwhelm us very easily. While the Nts can work through it, sometimes we can't. Imagine us posting on Facebook or Twitter saying we have to quit our job because it was too overwhelming, getting bullied constantly, etc. Nts will act like they're better and start shaming you for it. Saying you need to 'suck it up.' If it was that easy, we would do it. Nts need to realize that just because they can tough it out doesn't mean we can and doesn't give them the green card to shame those who can't.  I mean at least have a savings account and have money saved up to hold you until you get some sort of back up plan ready. Most of the time, we get fired from jobs for not moving fast enough. Why do emp...

Why We Should Get Rid Of Autism Labels

I think it's time to get rid of labels for autistics like high functioning,  low functioning, etc. I think this is damaging to autistics and can affect how they get support. When I went through that job program, the counselor I was given saw I was high-functioning autistic, look at one strength that I had. And said I wasn't autistic. This tells me people are under the impression that if you are high functioning, have some skills, that you are not autistic. People just judge what they see and don't dig deeper. As a result of having my autism ignored, I didn't get the help I needed during the program and it was really hard. With the coach constantly on my back for not sending out enough applications. Had my autism not been ignored the job coach would have been aware that my need for a job is more difficult than the other people in the program. Or I would have been told they could not help me. It seems like the place helps physical disabilities. These labels give peop...

Hate Is NOT Constructive Criticism

In the content creator industry, people have a very missed up thinking when it comes to feedback on YouTube (or anything). When will people learn the difference between explaining POLITELY why you didn't find a video helpful vs outright hating on that person's content just because YOU don't like it? I decided to work from home. I decided to build my cryptocurrency blogs such as Weku, Whaleshares, etc. I still want to do some freelance writing. I decided to vlog about my self-employment journey on YouTube in hopes that anything is hard but it's up to you to put in the time and effort. I made a video on why you should work from home. This guy, who clearly didn't watch the video, hated on it just because he didn't like it/my content. And some people tried to defend him saying it's criticism. Not showing names since I don't want a witch hunt. Here is the video if you wanna see it.  Another girl, who clearly didn't watch the video, defended tha...

Being An Adult On The Spectrum Is Worse Than You Think

I'd like you to read the blog. Gather the information before you make judgments. It's rough for anyone on the spectrum. Getting demonized by Nts for not being like them. The list can go on. I think being an adult on the spectrum is worse. For instance, the support we may have during school goes away when he become adults. This tells me people think autism just drops off the earth when we turn 18. This is false. Autism does not go away at 18. There is something call adults with autism. We are lonely in this world. I lost count on how many times I have had requests for me to thrive denied because I am an adult. Last year, I had to be interviewed by a doctor from SSI. Interviews make me extremely anxious. I just don't know how to answer certain questions. I asked for my mom to come with me ONLY for her to inform the doctor of my anxiety and to not let it influence his decision or to clarify a question he may ask because I will misunderstand the question. It was denied of co...