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Showing posts from July, 2019

Living In A Toxic Environment

People like to blame me for being negative but they don't think maybe I am in a negative space. My own home is a toxic setting. My grandma makes it hell. I call this house the Hell House. My grandma expects everything perfect, compares me to other people, condemns me if I can't do something how she wants it. She can't understand my brain is different from hers. I function differently from her. She likes to complain that no one does anything and she has to do everything but doesn't think why. No one wants to do anything for her only to get yelled at or called back and have to do it over because it didn't meet her standards.  Imagine this. You try your best to help someone, instead of getting a thank you or the person just accepting the job got done, you get yelled at because it didn't meet their standards. That will make you not wanna help them again if they are that ungrateful, right? So how is my situation any different. This is why I wouldn't be able ...

I'm Chasing After The Wrong Jobs

I previously posted about a stressful job program that I went through. My impression was that they help you find jobs within your skill set. As an adult with autism, I have to find a job like trying on shoes at the store. You have to make sure the shoe fits before you buy it. That's what I am doing. I have been chasing after jobs my mom wants me to get vs a job that's best for me, that fits me. My mom wants me in retail. She is always pushing it on me. 'Work at Walmart' 'See if X is hiring.'  I felt pressured into the trap. I stopped to think that it's more about what my mom wants than what I want. I am more likely to not get bored with it quicker if it's something I truly want. Retail jobs are dying, believe it or not. Every self-checkout lane put it or a self-order machine like at Mcdonald's, that one person out of a job or one job that's dead. People don't make enough money to live working retail. Why chase after a job that will barely ...

Analysis On My Book

I wrote A Book About Autism, where I showcase how hard it is for some of us to get or keep a job. I think it's important to know about this. We all have to grow up sometime. I think it's important for teachers, parents to know that when we turn 18, it will be hard for us to get and/or keep a job. This blog post will be a break down of each chapter and maybe to provide more info on the book before you buy it. The idea for this book came to mind when I was thinking long and hard about writing a book about autism. People already talk about what it's like having autism. I felt I would stick out more talking about how we struggle with jobs. How difficult it is for us in the world.  I will break down each chapter for the book.  Chapter 1 I felt that the first chapter should act as an introduction to me. I feel the reader wants to know when I found out I had autism. How my life was affected before and after the diagnosis. I explain how hard it was for me when I was in ...

This Article I Found Proves My Point

I made a video about why you should work from home and a blog article. I mentioned 'life happens' and I talked about how some people are punished if they get sick and need to take off to recover or if someone in their family gets sick and has to take off to care for them. This article that popped up in my feed proved my point. My mom tried getting me to work at this company. So glad I didn't. I will just give bits and pieces of the article and give my take. I will provide a link to the article so you can see it. A small disclaimer that just because your Walmart doesn't do this doesn't mean that the franchise is an angel. This is just coming from that employee's Walmart. I saw an article with stories from ex-employees of Walmart explaining how they were punished for things they could not control. Some companies have crazy attendance rules. Every school I attended didn't have attendance rules this strict. Matter of fact my schools sent you home if you look...