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I'm Chasing After The Wrong Jobs

I previously posted about a stressful job program that I went through. My impression was that they help you find jobs within your skill set. As an adult with autism, I have to find a job like trying on shoes at the store. You have to make sure the shoe fits before you buy it. That's what I am doing. I have been chasing after jobs my mom wants me to get vs a job that's best for me, that fits me.
Boy, Beach, Chasing Birds, Joy, Fun, Child, Sea

My mom wants me in retail. She is always pushing it on me. 'Work at Walmart' 'See if X is hiring.'  I felt pressured into the trap. I stopped to think that it's more about what my mom wants than what I want. I am more likely to not get bored with it quicker if it's something I truly want. Retail jobs are dying, believe it or not. Every self-checkout lane put it or a self-order machine like at Mcdonald's, that one person out of a job or one job that's dead. People don't make enough money to live working retail. Why chase after a job that will barely allow me to afford rent, food, etc? Instead, chase after something that can help you afford to live. I decided to work from home because it's better for my mental health and after several failed attempts to find employment. My mom would not accept my wish. She wants me to socialize and think the only way to do that is to work retail. She wants me to get out and think a job is the only way. If I am too deep into autism burn out from the job, I will be in the house all the time.

This is not saying I am too good for retail. This is not saying I'm too good to work 9-5. I am just saying I need to stop chasing after these jobs that barely pay and chase after something that can help me grow. I have cryptocurrency blogs that draw in money. I just need to come up with a good system for trading. I found a site called Medium where you can make money on your content. I found a video sharing platform like YT. All of these doors opened up. I know I can't expect to be rich right off the bat. It will time and effort like anything else.

Tomorrow, every Jewel nationwide can close down, that's a job that's gone. At any moment you can be fired or laid off. What if you cannot find another job before you owe bills or rent? If I work from home and don't rely on one platform, I have another source to hold me over.

I realized that my mom isn't in my head. I am. If retail would be too draining on me, that's that. If I want something where I can always move if I have to, that's that. If being around so many people will make me anxious and I want something where I can not in crowds, that's that. Schools need to stop telling kids they will end up working at Mcdonald's if they don't go to college. Instead, teach kids other ways they can make it if college doesn't work out. What if I told you someone can go to college and still end up in fast-food because they lack the high expectations of the employers?

I need to stop chasing after what people want me to do and what I feel is best for me. If working from home can allow me to give myself a much-needed break, I will do that. Work smart, not hard. Just because someone isn't doing back-breaking work doesn't mean it's not a job.


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