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How To Stop Being Busy And Get Organized

Hey you, yes you, stop being busy! I know, easier said than done, right. Just hear me out. Learn to get organized. Having autism, being busy and having 1 million things to do will just drive me insane. So I learn some methods to help make my life easier. Life doesn't have to be busy, it's busy because we make it that way.

Once you learn time management, things will be easier for you. One trait people with autism have is they are good at organization. I feel this is a skill I should share with you. This blog may have affiliate links. I will get a % of the earnings when you buy something. It will not cost you anything extra. I only suggest items that I know of or trust.

Get A To-do list

Plan out the things you plan on doing for the week. like a to-do list. You should not have no more than 5 items on your list. If you put 10 things on your list and you can only get done let's say 3 things, you're just adding even more to your plate. You have to finish your tasks from the previous day and then do the tasks for the current day. Instead of jamming in a gym session, put on a work out tape at home and go to the gym when you have more time. Also, get yourself a planner and apply the same principles. It's like a to-do list but with a calendar.

Find A Backup income Stream

Now working a 9-5 job can suck up most of your time. Most people have to work 2/3 jobs to make ends meet. That can be draining. Start up a backup income source. You don't want to rely on your 9-5 job. Think what if you get fired, laid off, company closes. You have no backup money. You can start your website and sell things. Write an eBook that you feel people will be interested in. Affiliate links in your blog. Make sure it relates to what you're talking about so people won't find unrelated links spammy. If you're an artist, sell your work, commission photos. Commissions are where someone will pay you to make images for them, say someone wants a painting of a butterfly, they will pay you to make the butterfly painting. Sell things you don't use anymore, that bike that's been sitting in your garage for 2 years, you could sell it to a kid and he/she will have something to get to school on. sell clothes you don't wear anymore or clothes that don't fit anymore. Sell a video game/console you don't play anymore. You can downgrade your hours if your income from the backup source gets stable. You can quit your job eventually. Get into Freelance work like I am trying to get.

Do Your Work Little By  Little

Instead of doing all of your work in one day, split it up. Split your studying. When you get homework, do some of it at school and you will not have as much when you get home. Start studying for possible exams and you will not have to study as much when an exam comes up. When you have a project for school, so that little by little. 

Buy Foods That You Don't Have To Cook

It's one thing being tired after a long day at work, but it's even more aggravating if you have to cook dinner. You can buy salads and quick foods for the days you work and cook on your days off. Teach your kids how to cook if they're old enough. Order out every so often just to treat yourself.

Getting organized makes life so much easier.

Make time for family and friends. Life is better with your friends and family.

Don't sign up for too many clubs/activities. I would pick at least 2 max. When those end, then sign up for more. You don't want to pick too many clubs and all of them have meets on the same day and you can't be 4 places at once

Sometimes you just gotta chill and enjoy life. You can't do that being busy 24/7. Kick back, kick your shoes off. Watch some TV, YouTube or whatever. Hang out with your friends. LIVE. Life is too short missing out on things because you're too busy. You have control over your schedule. Act like it. Own it. Think of it like that balance project you did in school. 


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